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Invasive Species
Weed Science
  • Bryan, C.J., S.D. Sipes, M.Arduser, L. Kassim, D.J. Gibson, D.A. Scott, & K.L. Gage. 2021. Efficacy of cover crops for pollinator habitat provision and weed suppression.  Environmental Entomology. Doi: 10.1093/ee/nvaa159

  • Hernandez, E. P, F. Bastida, D.J. Gibson, F. B. Losada, M. J. Giménez Alvear, Y. Pallavicini, J. Izquierdo, & J.L. González-Andujar. 2023. Crop quality may not be at the expense of agricultural sustainability: relationship between weed community structure and wheat grain quality. Agronomy, 13(1), 49;

  • Ren, Z., D.J. Gibson, K.L. Gage, J.L. Matthews, M.D.K. Owen, D.L. Jordan, D.R. Shaw, S.C. Weller, R.G. Wilson., B.G. Young. 2023. Exploring the effect of region on diversity and composition of weed seedbanks in herbicide-resistant crop systems in the United States. Pest Management Science 80(3): 1446-1453.

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